Preparing for Christmas: “Harvard” Professor Trading Skills at Santa School

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Preparing for Christmas: “Harvard” Professor Trading Skills at Santa School

Each year, more than 200 past and present Santa Claus gather in a small town in Michigan, USA, to delve into how to portray Jolly Old Saint Nicholas.

The white beard and the big belly of the ocean arrived in October for a three-day training.

Students and alumni (for the annual gathering) learn about Santa’s history, the right dress and how best to be below: “Ho Ho Ho!”

They also exchanged trades and exercises, exercises, and practice techniques – everything from beard keeping, toy making and riding sleds.

“They are portraying the image of one of the most famous characters in the world,” Charles W. Howard Santa School Dean Tom Valen told AFP.

“We teach a little about Santa’s history so they know who they are and what we are portraying.”

Santa Claus is from all over the United States, as well as Canada and Europe, and is known as the world’s oldest Santa Claus training college.

The school was founded in 1937 and was considered by the participants to be “Harvard” at Santa School (and two in North America).

Santa knows all the names of their reindeer and which toys are most needed in any given year.

They took a steam-powered locomotive and felt the feeling of bringing the polar express to the North Pole. They even sit on a pile of coal.

“All those Santas are collecting coal for bad kids,” Warren said.

Training can be rewarded. There are amateurs among the students Santa Claus. They will bring the knowledge they have learned to the local churches and schools.

However, there are also professionals who charge a visual fee during the holidays and earn extra money.

Valent said that no matter what the motivation of the students to go to school, the goal is the same – teach them how to answer all the difficult questions the children will ask.

Especially the biggest one: ‘Are you a real Santa? ‘

Valent wants his students to answer: “I am the spirit of Christmas. I represent love and dedication.”

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